Stream Purpose

The ministries in this Stream works in collaboration with the Pastor to help set the direction and spirit of our congregation as we are led by the Holy Spirit.

Streams Composition:

Stream Leaders, Deacons, Ministers and Trustee

Mission of the Stream Leaders:

Our goal is to move forwards team Leadership as God has always designated for us to work in Partnership and Unity to advance the Ministries, the Church, and the Kingdom.

Roles & Responsibilities Stream Leaders:

To Cheer, Care, Coach, Correct, Challenge, Communicate, Captain, Champion, Create Culture and Model Character that will not only strengthen the individual ministries but the church family as a whole

Role of the Ministers & Deacons:

To pray continually and consistently for the Leaders and members of each Ministry. To provide Spiritual support and guidance to the Stream Leader. To be the Peacekeeper and Spiritual Guide to the Ministries. To ensure that there is Spiritual Growth and fellowship in all activities, and to address the Spiritual wellness of the members in the Ministry

Role of the Trustee:

To provide financial recommendations in the best interest of the church and the ministries as well as oversee and approve financial request for all Ministry activities